SMI Code of Conduct

SMI Code of Conduct


Starkmacher Impact GmbH is a public welfare-orientated consultancy based in Germany, which means that German and European law and standards apply. Our mission is to strengthen the Global South and promote socio-ecological transformation. With our projects in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South and Central America, we focus on the Impact3 principle: ecological change for social progress and successful investments as a bridge between investors and local communities. However, the Impact3 principle also implies a strategy of empowering individuals and enabling them to experience that community is beneficial and essential for our coexistence. Strong personalities as well as civil society organizations, companies oriented towards the common good and social start-ups that actively and positively contribute to the community build a solid foundation for constructive coexistence. Our local non-profit Starkmacher Impact branches serve as regional hubs and enable us to implement projects more successfully on the ground and cooperate more closely with local communities. 

Due to this basic orientation of the company and its decentralized structure, a uniform code of conduct is to be applied to all organizations that bear the name "Starkmacher Impact". 

The Code serves as a binding orientation framework for the ethically and morally correct behavior and actions of our employees, managers, volunteers and third parties acting on behalf of "Starkmacher Impact". Legal obligations and other internal regulations are neither restricted nor extended by the Code.

In particular, responsibility, integrity, sustainability, collegiality, trust and respect play an overriding role.

§1 Scope of application


This Code of Conduct applies to all persons who work for Starkmacher Impact GmbH in any capacity, whether as employees, volunteers, members of the Expert Circle or in any other function. This also includes the CEO and all other representatives of the company.

§2 Values and principles 

At Starkmacher Impact, we always act with appreciation, respect and integrity. Appreciation of the individual as a person and the skills they can contribute to the community strengthen this basis. In all activities, it is important to adopt and exemplify this respectful attitude towards others, be they employees, network members or cooperation partners. Our actions are guided by the following principles:

  • Human dignity: Every person is treated with respect, regardless of origin, gender, religion, disability or other personal characteristics.
  • Transparency: We communicate openly and honestly.
  • Trustworthiness: We act reliably and keep our promises.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to sustainable development and protect the environment.
  • Integrity: We always act ethically and avoid any form of corruption.

§3 Behavior in the business environment

Contract fulfillment and compliance with the law: We fulfill our contractual obligations and respect the applicable laws in Germany and our partner countries.

Prohibition of benefits: Accepting and/or giving bribes or other personal benefits are strictly prohibited, with the exception of low-value gifts (up to €10 per year per employee).

Business meals: Invitations to meals by business partners are permitted as low-value gifts, provided they take place within an appropriate framework and the line manager is informed.

§4 Dealing with each other

We treat each other with respect and appreciation. We promote an open and constructive working atmosphere that values diversity and is based on fairness. 

Every employee is expected to strengthen each other as colleagues, to act as equals and to apply their high level of expertise and professionalism in activities and projects to the benefit of the target groups. The aim is to awaken the resources and strengths that lie dormant in every person and system. Our vision is for everyone to be able to realize their full potential in order to make a positive impact on society.

§5 Handling power

Persons with management responsibility use their power responsibly and for the benefit of the company. Any form of abuse of power is prohibited.

§6 Dealing with (sexualized) violence

All forms of harassment, discrimination and violence are prohibited. We are actively committed to the prevention of sexualized violence. Suspected cases are reported immediately.

§7 Handling resources

We use resources sparingly and rely on sustainable solutions (e.g. working from home, digital conferences). 

§8 Handling conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest are disclosed. Any form of corruption or bribery is prohibited.

§9 Reporting channels and consequences

All employees are obliged to report violations of this Code. Reports will be treated confidentially. Appropriate measures will be taken in the event of violations.

Recording and counseling: Discussions for clarification are recorded and accompanied by the internal contact person (see § 10). 

Sanctions: Proven misconduct will be met with appropriate sanctions, including consequences under labor and criminal law.

§10 Implementation

The Code is integrated into all employment contracts and reviewed regularly. All employees are sensitized to the content at the annual Strategy Meeting. If employees have any questions or concerns relating to the Code, they can contact our internal counselor  in confidence.

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