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🎉 Establishment of Starkmacher Impact Africa NGO in Kenya

We are pleased to announce the establishment of our subsidiary NGO in Kenya. Our new organization, "Starkmacher Impact Africa," will establish a so-called "Giving Fund" to collect donations from companies and individuals to support socio-ecological transformation projects in the country. 

The coordination of Starkmacher Impact Africa in Nairobi, Kenya will be led by Joseph Mwaura, an experienced expert in the field of development cooperation. Joseph has held various leadership positions in international NGOs in Kenya in recent years. He has a broad network of contacts in the Kenyan third sector and is familiar with the challenges faced by charitable organizations in the country.

"I am very pleased to be part of the Starkmacher Impact team and to lead the work of the new subsidiary NGO in Kenya," says Joseph. "I am convinced that with the Giving Fund, we can make an important contribution to strengthening the third sector in Kenya."

Starkmacher Impact Africa has already begun collaborating with associations and universities in East Africa. Together with the third sector, the NGO will identify projects that are particularly deserving of support for socio-ecological transformation.

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